Club Social Events

Club Social.

July 29th at Marigolds 8.00pm start.

The Harlow Jazz club presents

re  The Gambit Jazz Band  er

Tickets just £5.00

Harlow Cricket Club (in conjunction with Harlow Sports Club) runs a number of social events for Club members & the general Public.

These vary from monthly Jazz concerts, to a 6 a side cricket tournaments.

The Club’s key social events are;

President’s Day; when a specially invited XI represent the President in an all day cricket match against the Club XI.

Also the end of season Dinner & Awards presentation.

01stAprilSoul NightTickets £5.00
29thAprilThe Graham CulhamQuintetTickets £5.00
27thMayThe Martin GuyQuartetTickets £5.00
24thJuneThe Nick DawsonQuartetTickets £5.00
29th JulyThe GambitJazz BandTickets £5.00
21stAugPresidents DayAll day invitational match11.00amstart
26thAugustThe Bob GrahamExperienceTickets £5.00
23rdSeptT.B.C.Tickets £5..00
28th OctT.B.C.Tickets £5.00
27th NovT.B.C.Tickets £5.00
16th Sept.Club Dinner & AwardsPresentation eveningInc. JuniorAwards.