Harlow C.C. summary of Committee Minutes.
Present: Steve Green (SG), Cliff Clark (CC), Bill Sorensen (BS), Paul Baxter (PB), Christine Baxter (CB), Simon Baulcomb (SB), Chris Langmead (CL), Dave Rundall (DR), Andy Jessey (AJ), Hugh Saunders (HS). Apologies: Lee Heskett
Minutes of the last meeting: The minutes of the last meeting were agreed subject to the following changes: President’s Day is the 3rd Sunday in August.
Matters Arisinga; SG reported that no outstanding kit money had yet been received; a 2nd letter was yet to be sent to Tom Baker.
PB reminded everyone that there would be a memorial concert for Vince Dunn on Saturday 4th February at 8pm. Tickets are £10.
PB also urged people to attend the HHC Quiz Night on Saturday 11th February. PB will be bidding for monies for the new stumps for Spicer’s; it was agreed that he should also seek funds for replacement scorebox numbers for Marigolds.
CB reported that the forms for the change of bank accounts have been approved by that she is still awaiting account details.
Chairman’s report
SG reported that he would be attending a meeting of HSC on Monday 23rd January. He has also made the HSC aware that our current financial situation could render the club liable for VAT. The search for an overseas player continues. One particular player, Kirk Jeffs from Brisbane, has expressed an interest. PB reported that Lee Heskett has contacted Bharat and confirmed that Sandeep would be returning next season.
Treasurer’s report A copy of the treasurer’s report and accounts were placed on file.
Colts’ report A copy of the colts report from PB has been placed on file.
Groundsman’s report CC had nothing to report.
Secretary’s report CL had nothing to report.
AOB CB reported that she had paid a bill for the Cricket Conference and asked if we needed to inform them that we intended fielding 4 XIs this year. The general view was that we did not.
SB informed everyone that nets have been booked at the Peter May Centre from Saturday 4th March to Saturday 1st April, inclusive, 3 – 4 pm. The booking is currently for one lane but SB will contact them to request a second.
SB also reported that Harlow Museum has no records or information on HCC and asked if we should consider a loan of old scorebooks, memorabilia etc. CC said that he had a number of old scorebooks, fixture cards etc. It was agreed that SB (liasing with CC) should arrange a loan of such items to the museum.
SB asked if the 1st XI would have a full time scorer. DR confirmed that he would be available. PB asked about the recently distributed development plan. The committee approved this unanimously.
DR reported that the Sunday XI fixtures were largely sorted and that he will get on to compiling a fixture list for the Saturday 4th XI. Stort have already agreed to play both home and away. PB requested that the Fathers and Sons Day be mid-late July.
DR asked if Mark Hall school might be able to play their midweek fixtures at HCC. CC said that this would probably not be possible, but HCC will consider closer to the time.
SG reported that Paul Mayhew had told him that he was available to play this season.
Date of next meeting: The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 21st February in the Club Pavilion at 19.30.